Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru | National Assembly for Wales

Y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg | Children, Young People and Education Committee

Grant gwella addysg: Plant Sipsiwn, Roma a Theithwyr, a phlant o leiafrifoedd ethnig | Education Improvement Grant: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller, and Minority Ethnic Children


EIG 10

Ymateb gan : Ymwelydd Iechyd, Abertawe

Response from : Health Visitor, Swansea


I am writing in response to the removal of the education grant for Gypsy and travellers.  I work as a Health visitor in Swansea for this vulnerable group, before the removal of the grant I had a valuable link with the local authority worker who transported and supported the children into school, this link has kept me informed of any new travellers into the area as they frequently do not have a General practitioner, so I would not be aware of them without her communication I can then visit and address their health and development needs.  This link has enabled me to gain access to the traveller sites and get me accepted.  I have noticed since the removal of this grant the children`s attendance in school has been affected with some families not sending their children into school.